Leading Gracefully offers a new roadmap for women who want to lead differently than the status-quo.
One of the best “how to” career coaching books written for women who want to build self-confidence, be authentic and become a more effective leader. Following the success of Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg and Daring to Lead by Brené Brown, this book is a a step-by-step guide to help women get a seat at the table and keep it.
Since women entered the workplace, they have often made the assumption that in order to get ahead, they must behave like men to be taken seriously, to get ahead, and to lead. Leading Gracefully shows how women can instead bring their unique strengths to the table – qualities like vulnerability, humility, collaboration and compassion which are essential to leading in today’s highly complex and volatile world.
Leading Gracefully is a self-coaching guide that is designed to help you rediscover your strengths, identifies the gaps in your leadership style, and introduces the Feminine Leadership Model to help you develop the skill set necessary to thrive in the modern workplace. An insightful and step-by-step guide to helping you step into your leadership more fully and to discover what authentic and effective leadership can really look like.

In Leading Gracefully, you will learn how to:
Identify your current leadership style and understand the impact you have on others
Navigate the confusing messages on how to show up in a leadership capacity
Be assertive without being aggressive
Deal with the “Imposter Syndrome” and build more self-confidence
Tap into your vulnerability and use it as a strength in a leadership context
Tap into your intuition and make decisions more easily
Communicate your feelings and give feedback without conflict
Claim your authenticity and bring your full self to work
Let go of perfection and claim your value and worth

A leadership book that has something for any woman, at any point in her career.
Whether you are a senior level executive, a mid‐career manager or just starting out, Leading Gracefully is a must‐read for women who want to get to the next level in their career and life. Through personal stories and those of female executives and entrepreneurs from the world of technology, science, retail and non‐profits, you will learn how to successfully use ‘feminine’ strengths combined with traditional traits to breakthrough gender bias. Use it as self‐coaching ‘how‐to’ guide, with 15 powerful exercises, tips and resources you can apply right away to gain more confidence, authenticity and effectiveness.