Meeting Planners
Introduction to Read Before Monique Speaks
Monique Tallon is a Women’s Leadership & Inclusion expert, Executive Coach, and the CEO of Highest Path, a boutique Diversity & Inclusion firm specializing in developing inclusive leaders and workplace cultures as well as advancing female leaders and gender balance within organizations. Their clients include Fortune 500 companies such as Microsoft, Siemens, Deloitte and Samsung among others.
She is also the author of Leading Gracefully: A Woman’s Guide to Confident, Authentic and Effective Leadership, which features a new model of leadership called the Feminine Leadership Model, that plays to women’s strengths and drives high performing teams, innovation and bottom line business results.
Before launching Highest Path, Monique worked in Silicon Valley as a marketing executive at eBay, Inc. where she led large scale tradeshows and conferences. She has worked with organizations throughout the U.S. and Europe and has lived and worked internationally.
Please help me welcome Monique Tallon.
Leading Gracefully: How to Lean into Your Strengths for More Impact
100 Word Description:
Women have a unique challenge in the workplace in the face of ingrained gender bias. Studies show that leadership is still equated with traditionally masculine qualities, like being aggressive, direct and dominating. However, when women choose to lead with this style, studies also show their likeability and effectiveness suffers.
This unique challenge is called the Double Bind where women are faced to choose between being seen as competent versus being liked. Traditional models of leadership actually work against women, which leads to a lack of confidence and lack of impact. This “Tightrope of Leadership” makes it difficult for women to find an authentic leadership style, and can lead to a lack of motivation, performance or opting out.
Three Learning Outcomes:
- Learn about a new model of leadership that plays to women’s strengths
- How to set a clear vision to inspire collaboration & innovation on teams
- How to use empathy and vulnerability to motivate & manage high-performing teams
Beat the Bully: How to Turn up your Inner Cheerleader for More Sway
100 Word Description:
Studies show that women consistently undervalue themselves and underestimate their abilities compared to men. This lack of self-confidence and the resulting “Imposter Syndrome” results in women speaking up less, not pursuing career opportunities or leaning in. Could this lack of self-confidence be contributing to the leadership gap within organizations?
If we want to seriously address this issue, we must address the effects of gender bias, the lack of supportive role models/mentors and the limiting beliefs getting in the way of having the confidence it takes to be successful. This program is designed to give the tools on how to combat the limiting beliefs that stand in the way of confidence to develop leadership presence and influence.
Three Learning Outcomes:
- How to identify the the Inner Bully
- How to turn up the volume on the Inner Cheerleader
- How to use Power Poses to develop leadership presence
Navigating Gender Bias in the
100 Word Description:
Recent neuroscience research shows that part of the reason why we still see a gender gap in leadership is due to the unconscious wiring of the brain. The subsequent subtle behavior that stems from unconscious bias can potentially exclude a certain group of people while giving a slight advantage to others. This results is an unlevel playing field that creates work environments where one group is more dominant than the other.
As organizations begin to understand the importance of diversity training, one question still remains. How does one navigate bias in the face of persistent stereotypes and slow-changing cultures?
Three Learning Outcomes:
- How bias works in the brain and results in micro-behaviors that can have negative impact
- The 4 types of gender bias & the impact on women in the workplace
- Tools on how to effectively navigate gender bias

Gender Balanced Leadership: How to Create Inclusive Cultures that Drive Innovation
100 Word Description:
For many decades, organizations have been tackling the gender gap issue by spending millions of dollars on diversity initiatives. With only 14% of women holding executive leadership positions, and 3% of CEO positions in Fortune 500’s, the gap persists and those well-intentioned initiatives are missing the mark.
Closing the gender gap requires a much more holistic approach, starting from buy-in from top leadership, along with a bottom-up approach to create the type of culture change necessary to see women represented in larger numbers in leadership positions. It’s time to go beyond making this a “womens issue” to involving all stakeholders within an organization to see real culture change.
Three Learning Outcomes:
- The Business Case for Gender Balanced organizations
- A new model of Gender Balanced Leadership designed to drive innovation
- Key strategies for implementing gender balance initiatives and culture change

Monique’s Bio:
Monique Tallon, CEO, Highest Path Consulting
Monique Tallon is a Women’s Leadership & Inclusion expert, executive coach and the author of Leading Gracefully: A Woman’s Guide to Confident, Authentic and Effective Leadership. Monique is the CEO of Highest Path Consulting, a global executive coaching and training firm specializing in developing inclusive leaders and organizational cultures, and has coached and trained thousands of executives in companies like Microsoft, Siemens, and Deloitte among others. Prior to launching Highest Path, Monique worked in Silicon Valley as a marketing executive for eBay, producing large scale tradeshows and conferences. Monique writes for HuffPost and the Observer on topics she is passionate about, mainly related to Diversity & Inclusion, Women’s Leadership and closing the gender leadership gap within organizations. Learn more at
Monique uses a microphone for all events with 20 or more attendees. Because of the excellent sound, she prefers using an over-the-mouth, lavaliere microphone. If an over-the-mouth, lavaliere microphone is not available, please secure a wireless, lapel, lavaliere microphone. If a wireless lavaliere microphone is not available, a handheld microphone is an alternative. No cord please.
Room Set-Up:
For conferences, rows work well. Rounds with crescent style seating with 5 or 6 chairs per table, so all participants can see the front of the room without having to turn their chairs, is fine too.
For training, pods or crescent style seating with 5 or 6 chairs per table is best.
Please order 12’ to 18’ inch risers or a stage for Shari to stand on if there are more than 175 participants.
Shari will use her own laptop. She uses a Mac.
Please ensure an extension cord with multiple plugs is available.
The room should be as bright as possible/house lights full up.
Please have a pitcher of water, without ice available for Monique
Monique is a “wanderer” and doesn’t speak from behind a podium. If other speakers are using a podium, please place the podium on the side of the stage, if possible.
Please have a cocktail table on the stage or in front of the room, if there is no stage, for Monique’s supplies.
Nothing additional is needed on the stage.
LCD Projector and Screen:
Please provide an LCD projector and a large screen. Monique’s PowerPoint slides are in 16:9 size format. Please let Monique know if another slide size is required or necessary.
When possible, please set the projector and screen on the left side of the stage/room (when facing the front of the room), rather than on the stage or in center of the room. Having the projector and screen off to the side will enable Monique to walk around without walking in front of the projector.