Our blog helps our readership to:
- Develop more self-confidence
- Be more assertive
- Develop self-growth
- Be the best version of themselves
- Be effective leaders
- Live and lead with love
- Increase self-care or spiritual/mental/emotional wellness
- Work/life balance
How to submit an article
Make sure your article is unique and hasn’t been published anywhere else.
The content must be at least 500 words.
You can include 2 deeplinks (the links will be dofollow)
After the content is live, we will share it on our social channels to attract more audience.
We charge $15 per article as a website update fee.
Ready to submit?
Amazing! Just fill out this form and include a link to your draft in a Google Doc. Don’t forget to change the permissions, please! We will get back to you within 24 hrs.of submission.